Sunday, January 5, 2014

Faldoni, parts 2624 - 2627

 2624. Corrections of facial expression in a drawing are so slight and delicate, that it almost comes down to luck and a series of trial and error attempts, because the correct line of the correct intensity is different from the wrong line of an incorrect intensity by so slight an amount as to not be measurable.

 2625. At first Faldoni did not benefit from the difficulty of the task he was performing. He had no control over the effects of the faces he painted, and if a face came out looking like an angel he called it an angel, and if it looked like a devil he called it a devil.

 2626. For many months he never made any attempt to select an objective for his efforts. It would have been pointless for him to set out to paint a portrait of an old man, because his attempt to paint an old man might just as well come out looking like a goat. But even though he had no control over the results of his work, still he was able to notice the subtle effects of his numerous mistakes. From those accumulated accidents and mishaps Faldoni acquired his skills.

2627. What was happening to Faldoni as he developed his skills goes back to the sarcastic comment of the master when he said, “If you want to learn to paint pictures, just sit down and cover your panel with paint, and do it over and over again for twenty years.” Because the master knew from his own experience that instruction is useless with such complicated tasks.

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