Sunday, February 2, 2014

Faldoni, parts 2736 - 2739

  2736. And so if one looks at yellow the after image is purple, and purple is red and blue. The image and the after image combine to create the three primaries yet again. This is the reason why one color is said to be the complement of another color, it is because the color of the after image makes up the complement and so the eye, not content with any one color, is constantly attempting to flesh out the complete color spectrum with the remaining missing primary colors. 

 2737. Yes, the eye is a painter of its own volition, it harmonizes the visual field without being asked to, so that the most odious scene, the most repellent vision, is nevertheless made somehow more palatable to the mind by the insistence of the optic nerve which manages to harmonize the colors of what is being viewed. 

 2738. The after image is not just something seen with the eyes closed, it is there all the time, even when the eyes are open. The after image is doing its job to turn the visual field into a painting, a work of art rather that just a set of random sensations. 

 2739. What meaning we attach to these paintings our eyes create for us, well, that just depends on the sort of person one is to begin with. But, whether we like what we see or not, nevertheless we see everything with rose tinted glasses so to speak.

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