Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bluto, parts 3552 - 3555

 3552. I thought also that Simon could have benefitted from a big dose of Bluto, but it was hard to picture him sitting on the soda box in the old truck listening to one of Bluto’s lectures.

3553. Soon after these events The Prune at the salvage yard informed Bluto of a new project that needed his attention. There was an Russian Orthodox Church that had closed its doors, and the contents of the church were available for harvesting.

3554. The church has the usual quantity of copper piping, as well as some sort of decorative metal grill which they hoped would be made of bronze, or possibly brass. Also, it was rumored that great religious paintings lined the walls of the chapel, and there were other smaller paintings affixed to a grill they hoped was made of bronze. 
 3555. The Prune explained how it was that the church came to be abandoned to Bluto one afternoon and it is impossible for me to recount his story separate from my understanding of the tale as a remembrance. By that I mean, certain terms and certain names like ‘Stalin, Communism, or iron curtain,’ have an entirely different meaning for me when spoken of today, as when I heard them in 1957 at the age of 13.

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