Thursday, July 31, 2014

Bluto, parts 3448 - 3451

 3448. But no, the entire burden fell on those who were destined to be good in math and science, and I pictured to my self the fame they would acquire in the future when they would manage to create bombs sufficient to kill everybody, and not just the Russians. 

 3449. Perhaps you suspect that what I am saying is imbued with a touch of sarcasm, and I am not being sincere. That is the problem with telling you about my childhood. It is impossible to even think of my childhood except in terms that appear to be sarcastic. 

 3450. Saturday came and I had to work for Bluto again, we were going to get a load of copper pipe from an old warehouse on Broad Street. Bluto explained that the owner of the warehouse wanted to replace the old copper pipe with the newer plastic pipe.

3451. I was not positive that Bluto was not doing something dishonest but I did not consider it to be my problem. I was just a kid and the helper, what did I know about copper pipe? Nothing.

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