Thursday, April 24, 2014

Faldoni, parts 3060 - 3063

 3060. He could see a connection between the word game he had made up in his teaching and the interpretations of the Cantaloupe man’s pronouncements. He observed that whatever the man said could be subjected to an infinite number of explanations. Since the words had no actual meaning, any meaning was possible. In the end, the explanations arrived at almost always were just an expression of some listener’s hopes, fears, or desires. 

 3061. So the Jailer came up with this hypothesis: instead of listening to the sayings of the Cantaloupe man and trying to decipher an explanation, why not make up an explanation, and apply the explanation to something the old man was saying. It was the reverse of the usual procedure. Invent a meaning, and then look for a sign in his words, to signify and justify it.

 3062. One can see automatically how sensible and efficient this procedure would be, and I am sure it has been in use in the past even if its use was never noticed. How does the superstitious person find out what is going to happen in the future? He looks for signs occurring in the world that are sending him a message. 

3063. What devices are used to predict the future? The flight of birds, the pattern of clouds, or the shapes and forms of the parts of sacrificed animals are some of the methods of long standing. One can predict the future, if one is so minded, by taking note of dreams and accepting the content of dreams in a literal way. If no literal meaning is obvious to the dreamer one can always superimpose an interpretation.

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