Sunday, September 9, 2012

Coromo, Chapter 2, parts 592 - 595

592. Being called a liar took Coromo back a bit, and at first he was at a loss what to answer, but since he knew for a fact that this strange woman could have no idea in the world where the pictures came from, he repeated his lie more adamantly.

593. "There is no way on this earth that any children painted these pictures young man, so why are you lying about it?" She said. "How would you know?" said Coromo.

594. "First of all children almost never use oil paints, their parents would never allow it, and even if they did, where are these children in some village going to get their hands on Cadmium  Red that cost forty dollars a tube, and Cerulean Blue that costs forty-five dollars a tube."

595. And not only do children not use these expensive colors, they almost never scrub things out and change the proportions of their figures. Children always like their pictures, and don't subject them to adjustment and alteration. Look here where whomever painted this thing has rubbed out the leg of the figure, and painted it in at a different angle! Adults, who always hate their own pictures, make these sort of changes.

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