Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Captain's Sculpture, parts 64 - 67

64. The shepherd was now dead, never again would he look longingly at the Shepherdess eighteen inches away. What she thought about this, and how she felt about becoming so suddenly a widow, I have on idea.

65. My mother was not at home when this disaster befell our home. Although I had never looked at or thought about the figurines on the staircase, nevertheless, in the back of my mind was a basic assumption; the objects in question were valuable and prized possessions of my family which I had stupidly half destroyed. 

66. But the remaining half was obviously less than useless. Suddenly a solution jumped into my head, a childish solution as you will see, but the only thing a ten year old in a dire predicament might hit upon.

 67. My solution did not include any attempt to put the figure back together, quite the contrary, I cleaned up all the pieces and threw them into the garbage can at the back of the house where they would not be discovered, even by an accident.

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