Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Leon, parts 4392 - 4395

 4392. He was not scheduled to fight that night because he was recovering from an injury from a few nights previous. A cut had been stitched up that ran diagonally across his face, and passed right between his eyes. 

 4393. It was going to leave a vivid scar that was destined to make him look implacably vengeful. The stitches, red and raw, made him look terrifying even if he was sound asleep. 

 4394. Leon was a deadly dog in the ring, and it was only Otis that had ever escaped from his jaws, but all the rest of the time he was as gentle as a lamb. For years he had suffered from remorse and guilt because of all the suffering he had been forced to inflict. 

4395. In his old age he had become reconciled to his fate. He was like a friendly executioner standing next to the guillotine and adjusting the levers. 

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