Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Prodigal Dog, parts 4312 - 4315

 4312. But, on further reflection, it occurs to me that the worn out rug analogy is not very good. It fails as an analogy for this reason...

 4313. An oriental rug is a complex, but mechanical geometric pattern, and if a part were missing, one would only have to make a tracing of the missing section where it is repeated somewhere else.

 4314. It might happen that the missing part is a mirror image of the existing parts, but that would be alright because after making the tracing you would just need to flip the tracing over. For this reason it is best to use tracing paper, and not regular paper.

4315. Even if you were to use regular paper, it would be all right because ordinary paper can be made into tracing paper by rubbing it with linseed oil or turpentine.

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