Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Prodigal Dog, parts 4320 - 4323

 4320. This brings us back to the original problem that arose when Remo told Otis where Rome was, that it was a city, and that there was nothing magical about it. 

 4321. He did this because he had become frustrated by traveling around in circles, and they were traveling in circles because they kept resorting to magical and superstitious methods to determine what direction to go in. But you know all of that.

 4322. What you do not know however is the extremely limited extent of Remo’s knowledge. We have been talking about how his worldview was limited because it was based on overheard conversations. 

4323. Concepts formed by dogs from overheard conversations have other oddities we must mention. For example, Remo knew that Rome was a city, but he did not know what a city was. 

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