Friday, June 5, 2015

Lost In New York, parts 4680 - 4683

 4680. After a few minutes someone somewhere in the plane began to move about, and so Donna got up, went to the back of the craft where the service station was, and began to prepare the breakfast cart. 

 4681. Thus might have ended a very subtle, and obscure encounter between strangers. These encounters happen every day, they occur in elevators, on trains and buses, and in planes obviously. 

 4682. Encounters of this sort on trains, involving an element of romance and temptation, are the most common however. When a person rides a train, especially alone and traveling a long distance, many things long dormant and repressed rise to the surface of the mind.

 4683. Who has not imagined an entirely new life, even a new persona, wrapped up in the hypnotism of the sound of a train in the middle of the night?

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