Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Birthday Party, parts 3935 - 3938

3935. On the afternoon of the birthday party Harriet’s sister Clara came for a visit and to have tea, and to give her sister her birthday presents in advance, before the other guests arrived. We have spent so much time talking about Emily and her tutor that I think I should remind you about Harriet’s sister, and her peculiar situation.

3936. The sister, Clara was one of those persons who find religion at a certain point in their lives. Having discovered religion, it takes over their mind completely and they begin to try to convert their friends and neighbors to their new found ideas.

3937. You know quite well that I, personally, was suspicious of Clara’s convictions and I harbor the notion that she has become devoted to the church simply to escape from the claustrophobic atmosphere of her house. I have already mentioned before that the trips to her Bible study group were just a screen to give her a little freedom from tending for her dying husband. 

3938. You might think that if Clara’s so called religion was just an excuse to get her out of the house, she might be luke-warm about the convictions of others, but in her situation the opposite was the case. She felt it was necessary to convert others, and the weaker her faith was, the stronger was her need to preach to her friends and relations.

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