Saturday, February 7, 2015

Otis Escapes, parts 4207 - 4210

 4207. Before you ask me why I would go to all the trouble of searching for images that have no relationship to the text, and placing them between my paragraphs, I will try to continue with this narrative. 

 4208. But for those of you who require some explanation, I will simply say that finding images that do not relate to the text is often very difficult, and I pride myself on my skill of discovering images that serve no purpose.

4209.  Often I discover, upon reflection, that an image does have some obscure connection to the text, and then I have to delete it, but it doesn’t happen very often. Now, we return to our story.

4210. What I found so fascinating about the third game was the long pause after Otis had placed his O in the bottom center square. If we look up above at paragraph 4206, anyone can see that, since it is the X’s move, he will win, and there can be no doubt about it.

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